Why choose us? —— "Surpassing oneself and pursuing quality" to provide customers with professional products and quality services
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Products Show —— Fiber Optic Gyro, IMU, Inertial Navigation System, North Finder, AHRS, Inclinometer, Digital Magnetic Compass...
Fiber Optic Gyro
Inertial angular velocity sensor based on optical Sagnac effect
3-axis acceleration and 3-axis angular velocity
Position, velocity, 3-axis attitude, 3-axis acceleration, 3-axis angular velocity, etc.·
North Finder
Use fiber optic gyro to find true north, with high accuracy
Applications —— The products are reliable and have been maturely applied in many industries and have been well received by customers.
Construction Machinery
Transportation Logistics
Automated Industry
Geological Monitoring
Energy Power
Bridge & Building
About us ——
Wuxi Jobrey Technology LLC focuses on the R&D of optical fiber and MEMS products. The company's core technology research and development team members are all from well-known domestic research institutes and have rich product development and design experience. After years of R&D technology accumulation, a series of high-quality and high-stability products have been launched, including fiber optic gyros, IMU, inertial navigation system, north finder, AHRS, inclinometer, digital magnetic compass , etc.
Support —— Professional technology, thoughtful service, so that customers can use it at ease
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